Saturday, January 8, 2011

Major Anxiety Issues

So...I dont know what wrong with me.
Basically everytime I go out I end up having a major anxiety episode. It feels like I have to give a speech x10. It usually only lasts about an hour but yesterday it lasted at least 2. I'm really starting to get scared.

I'm supposed to go visit some friends in the city but I'm kind of scared that its going to cause another episode...I dont know. Maybe me thinking that it will, will cause it.

The problem with these episodes is I dont know what causes them. They just come and go as they please. I just feel really anxious about things but I have no clue why. I guess I can just hope for the best with this all.

I'm not even sure if I'm going tonight, but if I do then I have to do my blog post for today before I leave. :) It makes me happy that I'm keeping up with my January goal. What I'd like to do is not write such pointless blogs about my boring life. We'll work on that.

Oh! About last night, I had dinner with my college girls. We went to this delicious Italian restaurant and I had a half order of pasta and a piece of cheesecake. It was soooooo good. Afterwards we decided to see Black Swan. My anxiety kicked in before the movie and lasted the whole time so my mind is a little blurry about the movie. But I can tell you, its pretty damn weird. Good, but so extremely weird. I really liked the thought behind it. I dont want to say too much about it since you might have not seen it. One things I do have to say is Natalie Portman probably shouldnt let her child EVER see that movie. No child wants to see their mother in an awkward lesbian sex scene. Or touching herself.

1 comment:

  1. Ahh anxiety. I despise it.
    Listening to music helps a little bit for me. Pretty much any sort of distraction.
    Like I used to get anxiety when I had a night shift at work, so two hours or so before work I would play video games. It helped amazingly.
    I hope your anxiety gets better :)

    I agree, Black Swan was good but weird. Her performance is amazing.
